Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

English Grammar for ESL Learners

English Grammar for ESL Learners


Nouns can be either proper or common. Proper nouns are those that

refer to a particular person, place, thing, or idea. Such nouns are

capitalized: America, George Washington, Mr. Neruda, October.

Nouns that do not refer to a particular person, place, thing, or idea

are common nouns. They are not capitalized: land, girls, money, test.

Compare the following list of proper and common nouns:

Proper Nouns                           Common Nouns

Mexico                                    country

Ms. Finch                                woman

English                                    language

McGraw-Hill                           publisher

American Airlines                   company

December                                month

Next to each noun write the word proper or common.

1.................... France

2.................... rope

3. ..................United States

4. ..................Professor Hall

5.................. .professor

6................... the stadium

7................... the Olympics

8................... horses


Nouns can be used as the subject of a sentence. The subject is the word that is performing the

action in the sentence. The subject can be a proper noun or a common noun, and it can be singular

or plural:

Juanita is a friend of mine.

The boys like to play soccer.

Where is the school?

Nouns can also be used as direct objects. The direct object in a sentence is the noun that receives

the action of the verb. To find the direct object in a sentence do three things:

1. Find the subject of the sentence.

2. Find the verb in the sentence.

3. Ask whom or what with the subject and the verb.

Look at these sample sentences:

“Sara likes my brother.”                      “The girls find a book.”

1. subject _ Sara                                 1. subject _ girls

2. verb _ likes                                      2. verb _ find

3. ask whom _ Whom does                 3. ask what _ What do the

Sara like? girls find?

The direct object is my brother The direct object is book.

Nouns are sometimes indirect objects. They stand before the direct object in the sentence. It is the

person to whom or for whom something is provided. To find the indirect object in a sentence

do three things:

1. Find the subject of the sentence.

2. Find the verb in the sentence.

3. Ask to whom or for whom with the subject and the verb.

Look at these sample sentences:

“Justin buys the girl a magazine.”                   “Mother gives Nate five dollars.”

1. subject _ Justin                                            1. subject _ Mother

2. verb _ buys                                                  2. verb _ gives

3. ask to whom or for whom _ Fo                  3. ask to whom or for whom _ To whom

whom does Justin buy a magazine? does Mother give five dollars?

The indirect object is girl. The indirect object is Nate.

Note: It is rare that something inanimate is used as an indirect object.

When a noun is used as a predicate noun, it follows the predicate in the sentence. The predicate

can be a single verb or a verb phrase:

Verb as the predicate: Maria helps us.

Verb phrase as the predicate: Maria usually helps with the gardening.

Predicate nouns most often follow the verbs to be and to become:

v  My mother wants to be a doctor.

v  Celine became an actress.

v  Are you the manager of this building?

Definite and Indefinite


The English definite article is the. It is used to identify a particular

person or thing. If you are speaking about someone or something

you are already familiar with, you use the with the noun. Look at

these examples:

Ø  I already know the man.

Ø  She met the women who won the lottery.

Ø  This is the book that I told you about.

The indefinite article is used to describe someone or something

that is unfamiliar to you or about which you are speaking in

general. There are two forms: a and an. Use a before a word

beginning with a consonant. Use an before a word beginning with

a vowel. Look at these examples:

v  He sees a stranger on the corner.

v  Did you buy an apple or an orange?

v  Is the woman a good lawyer?

v  She has an idea.

Compare the difference between the definite and indefinite article

by using these sentences:

Ø  I want an apple. (I do not see an apple. But I feel hungry for


Ø  I want the apple. (I am choosing between the apple and the

orange that I see before me.)

The definite article for plural nouns is also the. But there is no

indefinite article for plural nouns. The plural articles are used in

the same way as the singular articles.

Singular Definite       Singular Indefinite    Plural Definite                       Plural Indefinite

the boy                                    a boy                          the boys                        boys

the house                                 a house                     the houses                      houses

the idea                                   an idea                      the ideas                        ideas


Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They tell the size, color,

or quality of something: a big room, the red car, four interesting

books. Here are some commonly used adjectives:

beautiful          fast                 loud                 tall

big                   funny               old                  terrible

black                handsome       quiet               thirsty

boring              interesting      right                 ugly

careful             late                 sad                  young

careless            little                short                white

early                long                slow                wrong

Personal Pronouns

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. The English personal

pronouns are:

Singular Plural

First Person I we

Second Person you you

Third Person he, she, it they

Notice that you is both singular and plural. When speaking to one

person, say you. When speaking to two or more persons, say you:

*      Tim, you are a very good student.

*      Bruno and Rene, you have to study more.

Just as nouns have gender, pronouns also do. I, we, and you can be

used by males or females. He is always masculine, she is always feminine,

and it is always neuter. The plural of the third-person pronouns

is always they, whether masculine, feminine, or neuter. And

just like nouns, pronouns can be used as:

1. the subject of a sentence

2. a direct object

3. an indirect object

But when used as a direct object or indirect object, some of the

pronouns change:

Subject                                               Direct Object                                   Indirect Object

I                                                           me                                                      me

You                                                     you                                                     you

he                                                        him                                                      him

she                                                       her                                                       her

it                                                          it                                                          it

we                                                       us                                                         us

you                                                     (plural) you                                       you

they                                                     them                                                    them

If a pronoun replaces a noun in the sentence, it must have the same characteristics as the noun:

the same number (singular or plural), the same gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter), and

the same use in the sentence (subject, direct object, or indirect object).

preposition and a noun or a pronoun. Here are some of the most commonly used prepositions

after, behind, between, for, from, in, near, on, of, through, to, with, without

Look at these sample prepositional phrases:

v  after the concert                      behind me

v  between the girls         for you

v  from a friend               in him

v  near the city                on it

v  of a book                     through her

v  to a student                 with us

v  without the money      without them

In a prepositional phrase, use the same form of the pronoun that is used as a direct or indirect


Subject Pronoun                   Direct or Indirect Object                  Prepositional Phrase

I                                               me                                                      after me

You                                         you                                                     behind you

He                                           him                                                     for him

she                                           her                                                       from her

it                                              it                                                           in it

we                                           us                                                        between us

they                                         them                                                   near them


Verbs are the words in a sentence that describe the action of a sentence

or that introduce the condition or state of someone or something

in the sentence.

Action: Anna throws the ball.

Introduction of a condition: Trent is very sick.

There are many action verbs. Those that can have a direct object are

often called transitive verbs. Here is a list of some commonly used

transitive verbs. Note that they can be used with a direct object.

Transitive                                                       Verbs Used in a Sentence

buy                                                                  He buys a newspaper.

Carry                                                               I am carrying the child.

find                                                                 Can you find the book?

help                                                                 She helps us.

like                                                                  I don’t like cabbage.

lose                                                                  Don’t lose your money.

read                                                                 She is reading a book.

pull                                                                  The dentist pulled the tooth.

Push                                                                The boy pushes the cart.

sell                                                                   I am selling my car.

Speak                                                              Father speaks Spanish.

write                                                                We are writing some postcards.

Understand                                                     Do you understand me?

Intransitive verbs are not followed by a direct object. They often

show a movement to a place and are sometimes followed by a

prepositional phrase. Following is a list of some commonly used

intransitive verbs:

Intransitive                                         Verbs Used in a Sentence

Come                                                   Can you come to the party?

Crawl                                                  The baby crawls on the floor.

Drive                                                   We are driving fast.

fly                                                         I flew here from Paris.

Go                                                       Are you going home?

hurry                                                    We hurry to the window.

jump                                                    Peter jumps from the roof.

Ride                                                    I am riding in his car.

run                                                       The girls run past the school.

sail                                                       We are sailing to Europe.

travel                                                   Do you want to travel with us?

walk                                                    I walk out of the theater

Still other verbs introduce the condition or state of someone or something. They do not take a

direct object and are most often followed by an adjective. These verbs are usually called linking

verbs. Here are some commonly used linking verbs:

Linking Verbs                                                           Used in a Sentence

appear                                                               The boy appears quite well.

be                                                                     I am hungry.

Become                                                           The weather becomes bad.

Feel                                                                 It feels hot.

grow                                                                The dog is growing weak.

look                                                                 She looks unhappy.

Seem                                                               The coat seems too small for you.

Smell                                                               The pizza smells good.

Sound                                                              The music sounds awful.

taste                                                                 The popcorn tastes salty.

Careful! Some of the linking verbs have a second usage. They can be used as transitive verbs.

Look at these examples:

Ø  Linking Verb: His skin feels hot. (hot _ adjective)

Ø  Transitive Verb: He feels a sharp pain. (a sharp pain _ direct object)

Ø  Linking Verb: The sky grows cloudy. (adjective)

Ø  Transitive Verb: We grow vegetables. (direct object)

Ø  Linking Verb: That smells beautiful. (adjective)

Ø  Transitive Verb: She smells the flowers. (direct object)

Ø  Linking Verb: My coffee tastes bitter. (adjective)

Ø  Transitive Verb: Risa tasted the ice cream. (direct object)

You can identify linking verbs by substituting am, is, or are for the verb. If the sentence makes

sense with the substitution, it is a linking verb. If it does not make sense, it is a transitive verb.

Some examples:

It feels cold. (It is cold.) This makes sense. _ Linking Verb

He feels her pulse. (He is her pulse.) This makes no sense. _ Transitive Verb

They smell nice. (They are nice.) This makes sense. _ Linking Verb

We smell coffee. (We are coffee.) This makes no sense. _ Transitive Verb

The Present Tense

In some languages, present tense conjugations are very complicated. Each pronoun requires a

different ending on the verb. English is much simpler. Only the third-person singular (he, she,

it) requires an ending. That ending is an -s (or -es). And with some verbs there is no ending

change at all. Look at these examples of the present tense:

to go                to see                         to want           can                  must

I                       go                   see                               want                can                  must

you                  go                    see                               want               can                  must

he, she, it        goes                 sees                              wants                can                  must

we                   go                    see                              want               can                  must

they                 go                    see                               want                can                   must

When the verb ends in the vowel -o, add -es for the third-person singular pronouns:

do                    does

Can and must are special auxiliary verbs. They never have an ending change in the present tense.

There are other auxiliaries that do the same thing. They will be taken up later.

Asking Questions

A sentence that has the verb to be in it is easily formed as a question. Just invert the position of the

verb and the subject. Look at these examples:

Statement                               Question

I am late.                                 Am I late?

She is his sister.                       Is she his sister?

They are from Puerto Rico.     Are they from Puerto Rico?

All other verbs, including to have, form a question by using the verb to do (do, does). The verb to

do is conjugated for the subject of the sentence. The original verb in the sentence becomes an

infinitive. English infinitives begin with the word to: to run, to jump, to sing, and so on. Sometimes

the word to is omitted: run, jump, sing, and so on. The word to is omitted in questions.

Statement                                                       Question

Jacques has a new job.                                    Does Jacques have a new job?

You see the ocean.                                          Do you see the ocean?

She likes my brother.                                      Does she like my brother?

Tanya usually finds the books.                       Does Tanya usually find the books?

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